The Hacienda S/W Women’s Club meets from 9:30-11:30 on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, except July and August, at the La Hacienda Center. Come early for sign-ups and coffee.
Betty Lewis & Colette Whelan oversee refreshments for each meeting. They need about 5 volunteers/meeting - contact Betty and/or Colette if you are willing to help. A donation box is available for those who prefer to donate money to help purchase refreshments.
Name Tags: With so many new members, we ask attendees to wear name tags to meetings and activities. Please contact Valerie Chirichella (352-633-9311, to order a magnetic name tag ($7.49). Paper name tags are always available at meetings.
February Meeting
TUES, Feb 11th, 9:30 AM
La Hacienda Rec Center
Julio Iglesias Room
Come early for sign-ups, coffee and camaraderie.
February is a speaker/activity meeting.
2025 Board
President: Barb DiLaura
Vice President: Barb Hatch
Secretary: Lori Camp
Treasurer: Becky Montgomery
Friday Golf can now be found by clicking HERE
MEMBERSHIP: Please reach out to any new neighbors and offer to bring them to our next meeting. It is a good way to welcome them into the neighborhood and increase our membership for fun and companionship! Please contact our Membership Chair, Maria Guerrera ( with any questions.
CHARITY: Robyn Giles is the Charity Chair. Please contact her (, 678-576-0078) with suggestions or for more information,
PRAYER CHAIN: Please keep Joanne Phinney (352-750-9193 or informed when you are in need of prayers for you or your family. You must have the family’s permission to request prayers. Please contact Joanne if you would like to be added to the email prayer chain.
WEST: Laurie Potter, (904-463-2065, )
SOUTH: Josephine Lust (347-804-2710, )
Maria Guerrera can also be contacted as she is working with Josephine to cover South.
CLUB DIRECTORY: Please notify Maria Guerrera (703-623-1379, about any directory changes (email address, phone number, etc.). We can also update your photo any time you wish. The web page is a great reference to put a face with a name.