January 2023
Please share this e-mail with any neighbors who are new or do not have the use of a computer.
The HSW Women’s Club will meet on Tuesday, January 10th at 9:30 a.m. in the Ricardo Montalban Room at the La Hacienda Recreation Center. The newly elected Board will be installed at this time.
Thank you to Sandy Schupp and Robin Giles for organizing the Charity BOGO at Thanksgiving. The neighborhood donated to The Christian Food Pantry 61 turkeys, and food donations purchased from cash donations totaling over $1200, not counting the can/dry goods that people brought to Sandy’s house. This just shows what a great neighborhood we live in.
Thank you to Joanne Phinney and Sandy Schupp for organizing the Christmas Tree Lighting event and to those who helped set up and clean up, and to those who let us use their driveways.
Thank you to Sandy Schupp and Valerie Chirichella for organizing the Christmas Dinner Dance, to the decorating committee, and to Cory Johnson (Sandy & Bill Schupp’s son-in-law) who donated his time to be the DJ.
Thank you to Joanne Phinney for organizing and hosting the Christmas Ladies Luncheon.
Directory: Please notify Evelyn Krawczyk (414-640-2548 or evkraw@gmail.com) and Joanne Phinney (352-750-9193 or joannephinney@embarqmail.com if you have any changes in your email address or telephone number.
Prayer Chain: Please keep Terry Lastowka (352-255-1155 or tlastowka1069@gmail.com) informed when you are in need of prayers for you or your family. If you would like to be added to the email Prayer Chain please contact Terry.
Finally I would like to thank you all for allowing me the privilege to be your president for the last two years. The camaraderie, the friendships that I have formed and the support have been wonderful. To the new members I hope you will also discover how great the women are in the Hacienda S/W Women’s Club.
We will be installing the new Board at this meeting and I hope that everyone will volunteer their time and/or ideas in support of them and the club for the coming year.
Lastly, have a happy and healthy 2023.
Valerie Chirichella