Hacienda South-West Women’s Club Newsletter
November 2023
website: hswwclub.com
This newsletter is being circulated to both member and non-member ladies living in our neighborhood. Please share this newsletter with any who are new or do not use a computer.
Next Meeting Information
Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 14th at 9:30 am, at La Hacienda Rec Center (Ricardo Montalban Room). Make sure to reach out to any new Ladies in our neighborhood and bring them along with you!
President's WELCOME
WHEW! Has this been a busy month for the Club. Our Fundraising was in full swing but we still managed to have a lot of fun in the process. We were very successful with the Garage Sale and Chili Cook Off but I will wait until the reconciliation process has been done, and let our Treasurer give the figures at the next meeting. I want to thank everyone that helped to make this effort a great success…without you, this would not have been possible. And specifically, to Kelly Miller and Linda Scarmardi, you two ladies have helped me get more sleep at night by not worrying about Club funds, so THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! You two ROCK!
November and December are going to be another couple of busy months with planning and activities, so please, any of you ladies that have a few moments to spare, please consider signing up for some of our committees to help us make our remaining events this year be successful too! Sign up sheets will be at the meeting and also linked through our website.
Leadership Focus:
Again, thank you to Joanne Hegarty, Val Chirichella, and Linda Scamardi who worked on and presented the proposed updates to our By-Laws at the last meeting. Before the next meeting, make sure to go to our website and review the proposal so you can make sure to ask any questions you have prior to our vote at the next meeting. If you go to the website at HSWWC.com and click on the “About Us” link, the pull down to By-Laws will appear with the “Proposed Changes” link to the right. Or just click HERE ! I hope to see you all at our meeting to place your vote on these updates!
Additionally, the final vote will be taken by the membership for our Slate of Officers for next year (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer). The Nominating Committee (Robyn Davidson-Smith, Kelly Miller, and Robyn Giles) will accept nominations from the floor, and present for your consideration and vote, the list of candidates at the next meeting. Make sure to show up and have your vote counted!
Following our next meeting at 10:30 AM, Maria Guerrera has coordinated with Senior Living Educational Speaker and Author, Janice Martin to speak. Like the last meeting, because of the subject matter, we have also invited the entire Neighborhood to attend this informative session. Remember, Knowledge is Power!
Social Committee Past Events
2023 Garage/Estate Sale Fundraiser
A heartfelt “THANK YOU” goes out to all that helped with this event. In particular, to Robyn Giles who offered up her house to host this event in. It allowed us to prepare and stage this event over a couple of weeks instead of a couple of days! Additionally to Linda Scarmardi and Kelly Miller, THANK YOU! The organization was superb at this event (thank you Becky Montgomery, Karen Thorson, Robin Davidson/Smith and many others). We even had a LOT of people who stated this was the nicest and best organized sale they had ever been to (and honestly I think some were Garage Sale Pros!). Great Job to ALL!
Neighborhood Chili Cook off and Bake Sale
What a WONDERFUL and FUN event for all. The turnout was tremendous and it honestly appeared that everyone had a great time! Thanks again to Kelly Miller and Linda Scarmardi for the organization, and congratulations to our winners, 1st Place Steve Scarmardi, 2nd Place Ed Thuresson, and 3rd Place Bill Schupp! We did make a profit on this event and that total will be reported at our next meeting.
What a great turnout! We had over 60 of our neighbors join us Sunday, November 5th, for great fun and wonderful food! Our “White Elephant Card Bingo” was a great success and we had winners galore!!! Thank you Maria Guererra for organizing and Chairing this event AGAIN this year, and Kelly Miller for acting as our MC for the Bingo.
Committee Upcoming Events:
As always, we are looking for Volunteers to help out with these events, and perhaps even Chair one. If you are interested, please reach out to a Board member.
Club members meet every Friday year round for a fun morning of golf and breakfast. This is a noncompetitive group of ladies coming together for fellowship, breakfast, and yes, GOLF! If interested please contact Barb DiLaura, by phone or text, at 954-263-8080. Barb DiLaura is our scheduling Concierge for November and Joan Beeman (217-529-9047 / joanbeeman48@gmail.com) is scheduled for December.
Thanksgiving BOGO Food Drive
Our 3rd Annual Food Drive is currently underway for the club. Last year we donated 61 Turkeys, received huge amounts of drygoods to donate, along with $1200 in cash to purchase additional items (even baby food)! I can tell you that the pantry staff teared up last year when we showed up with our donation because they had just handed out their last Turkey! The generosity of our community still amazes me and we hope again to have a record breaking donation to the Christian Food Pantry located in Lady Lake. Donation drop offs are at the following houses in our area:
Hacienda South
Robyn Giles, 1504 Delorosa Court
Sandy Schupp, 1019 Soledad Way
Hacienda West
Barb DiLaura, 1102 San Antonio Lane
We will be collecting until Friday Nov 17th (signs w/flyers will be posted up at our neighborhood entrances with more info).
World Equestrian Center
We have received feedback that there are a lot of activities going on right now (almost too many), and some need a rest. That feedback, along with the high amount of walking on uneven surfaces with this event, we have opted to cancel this outing this year. For anyone new to our neighborhood, if you can work this into your schedule, it is a wonderful outing for you and your families. Throw in a dinner, and you can have a full day of Holiday enjoyment.
Lighting Ceremony
The Chair this year is Pam Blount and this covered dish gathering is scheduled for Sunday, December 3rd, at the end of Nueva Place. Pam may still need assistance with the entertainment portion of this event because she needs 12 people (women and men) to help with the program. Please send an email to Pam at Pamblount@aol.com or text at 321-698-1331 to sign up. It sounds like fun this year, so please reach out to her and sign up to help, and make sure to get this date on your calendar.
Holiday Dinner / Dance
Sunday December 10th. We will again have the La Hacienda Ricardo Montalban room for our gathering this year and we will also have a DJ again this year for the music! There will be sign ups for both Attendance and the Decoration Committee at the next meeting and online at our web page. The dress is not formal but business casual is appropriate. This year we will have a fully catered event and the cost will be $15 p/person to attend (with some cost supplemented by the Club). Additionally, the plans are to make this a HSWWC membership event (the member plus 1) so make sure to sign up early. If sign ups are low, we will open to the neighborhood because the more the merrier at these types of events!!
Ladies Luncheon
Wednesday, December 13th, time 11:30 am at The Bistro at Grand Oaks Resort. This is a HSWWC members only event and the cost is $26 per person. There are 7 different options for food (the menu can be located on the web page) with cheesecake for dessert. Coke products and coffee are included. Additionally, there are premium bar and wine selections that you can individually purchase. Deadline for sign-ups and payment is Dec 5th, so make sure to get on the list and join us! Mark your calendars!
We have a lot of new faces in our neighborhood. Please reach out to any new neighbors and offer to bring them to our next meeting. It is a very good way to welcome them into the neighborhood.
Kelly Miller and Linda Scamardi have done a wonderful job for our club this year on organizing fundraising, and we are eternally grateful. We will give you a report on the tremendous success these ladies have orchestrated for us, but needless to say, they did a great job so please make sure to thank them!
Directory & Website:
Please notify Evelyn Krawczyk (414-640-2548, evkraw@gmail.com) or Maria Guerrera (703-623-1379, mguerrera93@gmail.com) about any directory changes (email address, phone number, etc). We can also update your photo any time you wish - just let us know. The web page is a great reference to put a face with a name.
Prayer Chain:
Terry Lastowka is available (352-255-1155, tlastowka1069@gmail.com) when you find that prayers are needed for you, your family, or friends.
WEST: Please let Cathy Smith (352-750-3524, wks1013@aol.com) know if anyone is feeling under the weather or if any new neighbors have moved in.
SOUTH: Please, let Helen Miles (440-666-1473, miles.helen7@gmail.com) know if anyone is feeling under the weather. Also, please let Maria Guerrera (703-623-1379, mguerrera93@gmail.com) know of any new neighbors who have moved in.
Name Tags:
With so many new members, we are asking everyone to wear name tags to our meetings and activities. Please contact Maria Guerrera (703-623-1379) to order a magnetic name tag ($7.49 in advance). Paper name tags are always available at meetings
At your service!!
Sandy Schupp
HSWWC President