Sept 2024

September 2024

Hacienda South-West Women’s Club Newsletter

This newsletter is being circulated to both member and non-member ladies living in our neighborhood.  Please share this newsletter with any who are new or do not use a computer.

Next Meeting Information

Our next meeting is Tuesday, September 10th at 9:30 am, at La Hacienda Rec Center (Ricardo Montalban Room).  Make sure to reach out to any new Ladies in our neighborhood and bring them along with you!  After the business meeting we will enjoy a brunch of quiche, sandwich tray, fruit tray and cold tea provided by the Club. If anyone wishes to bring desert, it would be most welcomed. We will also have drawings for white elephant giveaways!

President's WELCOME

Welcome back after our summer break.  We hope you had an enjoyable summer even though it’s been hot and humid.

In its endeavor to serve the community, this year the Club will have held 6 events that were open to the whole neighborhood, held 4 that included members and spouses/guests and held only 2 for members only.  For the year, we will have donated $1250 to local charities from our funds. We also help coordinate a Thanksgiving Food Drive for a local food bank.  We hope that you will join us in making Hacienda South and West a great place to live.

We have a number of activities lined up for the fall culminating with our holiday tree lighting in December. The activities are open to all residents. We hope that you will participate and enjoy them.

Before we took our break, the Board sent out a survey to the membership asking for feedback on the Women’s Club and to advise us whether or not they wanted the Club to continue to exist. We had a very good response. Of the 73 members, 52 responded to the survey, and of the 52 respondents, 47 wanted the Club to continue. We are gratified with the results and will move forward with the continuation of the Club.



Upcoming Events:

September:      9/18/24     Tour & Luncheon at Cassadaga Camp

October:          10/15/24      Shopping trip to Millenia Mall w/stops at the Container Store
.                                                     & Ikea, followed by lunch at Bahama Breeze.
                               TBD           Charter School Luncheon

November:     11/10/24      Annual BBQ Dinner at Laurel Manor

December:      12/08/24    Annual Tree Lighting – Presa Place
                            12/10/24    Annual Ladies Holiday Luncheon


Ladies Golf:
Club members meet every Friday year round for a fun morning of golf and breakfast.  It’s a non-competitive group with both experienced and beginners.   If interested please contact Barb DiLaura, at 954-263-8080,  The group welcomes volunteers to provide concierge services. We are looking for a concierge for December.  Months where we have no volunteers, we will not host golf.  The following is the schedule of members providing concierge services for the remainder of this year:

    • September – Nina Scerbo
    • October – Kay Mead
    • November – Kay Mead
    • December – Open - Volunteer Needed

The annual membership $10 dues for our 2025 season will be collected from November onward. New members will be free for the remainder of the year and can pay for 2025 starting in November. Please reach out to any new neighbors and offer to bring them to our next meeting.  It is a very good way to welcome them into the neighborhood and increase our membership for fun and companionship!  Please contact our Membership Chair, Barb Hatch (352-978-1470, with any questions.

At our last Board of Directors’ meeting, the Board decided on the 3 individuals that will comprise the Nominating Committee: Joanne Hegarty (Chair), Linda Scamardi, and Joanne Phinney.  If you are interested in leading the Club or serving as another Director, please reach out to any of the three to express your interest.

Robyn Giles is the Charity Chair.  For future donations, if you know of a local charity that we should consider, please contact Robyn Giles (678-576-0078,

Directory & Website:
Please notify Maria Guerrera (703-623-1379, about any directory changes (email address, phone number, etc.).  We can also update your photo any time you wish.  The web page is a great reference to put a face with a name.

Prayer Chain:
Terry Lastowka is available (352-255-1155, when you find that prayers are needed for you, your family, or friends.:

If anyone is unwell or if any new neighbors have moved in, please let us know.

WEST:  Cathy Smith (352-750-3524,
SOUTH: Helen Miles (440-666-1473,  Also, let Maria Guerrera (703-623-1379, know if any new neighbors have moved in.

Name Tags:
Please wear your name tags to our meetings and activities. To order a magnetic name tag, please contact Barb DiLaura at (954-263-8080, ($7.49 in advance).  Paper name tags are always available at meetings.


Upcoming meeting events:

Sept:     Club provided luncheon; white elephant drawing giveaways
Oct:      Halloween themed event
Nov:      Cupcake decorating – fun holiday themed decorating - Nina Scerbo, Hacienda South
Dec:      No meeting – holiday luncheon for members


September Birthdays:
We want to extend our sincerest best wishes to the following members who celebrate a birthday in September: Joanne Hegarty (9/02); MaryLou Thelen (9/12); Geri Calais (9/16); Phyllis Davis (9/22); Peggy Drummond (9/24); Peggy Benjamin (9/29). Please wish them a Happy Birthday when you see them! If we missed someone, please let us know.



Maria Guerrera
HSWWC President