Sept ’24 Mins


Hacienda South West Women’s Club

SEPTEMBER 10, 2024


 The meeting was called to order by President Maria Guerrera at 9:38 AM.  

Maria asked if any new members were present.  Pat Bond was introduced to the membership.  We also have Brenda Kolbrich as a new member and Queen Wilson returning after traveling.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Maria Guerrera.

Robyn Giles led the prayer.

Officer Reports

President Maria Guerrera addressed the membership. She advised that we have two events lined up over the next couple of months, and to make sure to sign up at the back table, she has a sign in sheet at the front table.  She reminded all that today is our Welcome Back meeting following the summer break, and that your luncheon and refreshments are being provided by the Club today.

Vice President:

Secretary Sandy Schupp reminded members that the minutes are available online and copies are on each table.  She asked if there are any changes, additions or deletions to the February minutes.  Upon motion to approve by Valerie Chirachella, and seconded by Carol Lapp, the minutes of the June 11th, 2024 meeting were unanimously approved, as presented, by the members present.

Kay Mead presented the The Treasurer Report for the period June through August 2024, with a starting balance of $7,705.28, and after deposits and expenses, the account balance is $7,007.93.  

There being no recommended changes from the floor, and upon motion to approve by Karen Thorson, and seconded by Joanne Phinney, the financial report was unanimously approved  by the members present.  



Upcoming Events:


Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Tour September 18th, 2024:      Event Chair Sandy Schupp.  We have a signup sheet at the back.  There is a small group so far, so transportation will be by car(s).  Price for tour is $12.50 p/person, lunch at Sinatra’s Restaurant (self–pay), shopping, and personal “readings” are available to schedule/purchase after lunch  on a per person basis.  Please let Sandy know if you can drive.

Shopping trip to Millennia Mall, October 15th, 2024:    The Chairs are Linda Scarmardi and Barb DiLaura.  This cost is $37.00 p/person and is open to members, friends, and neighbors.  Water, snacks, and games/prizes are available during the bus ride.  Sign up is at the back table.

Buffalo Grill Lunch at the Villages High School, October 31st, 2024:    The Chair is  Barb Hatch.  The cost for this club event  is $22 p/person, which includes the tax and tip.  Space is limited to 36 and we are already close to the minimum 25 attendees, so make sure to sign up quickly so you don’t miss out.   

Annual BBQ, November 10th, 2024:    The Chair is Maria Guerrera.  This cost is still TBD but a rough guess is around $20 per person and is open to the Neighborhood. The format for this year is still in flux, but make sure to join for a good time.

Tree Lighting, December 8th, 2024:    The Board is the Chair.  The event has been moved to Presa Place and the Board has hired a live band to perform at this event.  It will be a traditional Pot Luck with BYOB.  Paper goods are provided by the club.

Annual Ladies Luncheon, December 10th, 2024:    The Chair is Barb DiLaura.  The luncheon will be held at the Glenview Country Club, and Barb and Maria went there for lunch recently and can confirm that the food is very good under the new management.   The menu has not been set yet, so the price is still TBD at this time.

Holiday Party, January 2025 Date TBD:   The Board will source a location to hold a Holiday Party for the new Board that will take place after the New Year.  This is being done based on past feedback from membership that December has too many events.


Nominating Committee
Maria announced the nominating committee of Joanne Hegarty, Linda Scamardi, and Joanne Phinney that will source candidates for the HSWWC 2025 Board Members.  

Membership (Barb Hatch)
Barb Hatch was unavailable, so Maria  announced that we currently have a membership of 73  ladies and that there were 26 members present.  Collection for 2025 dues will start in October.

Charity (Robyn Giles)
Robyn advised that we have an additional $50 to disperse in Charity this year, so the 3rd and 4th quarter donations will be for $325 each.  She presented the Cornerstone Hospice and Big Brother Big Sister of Sumter County for our Charity consideration.   After much discussion, a vote was taken that resulted in a 13/13 tie.  It was recommended that we fill both of the two quarters with these two charities and complete our donations through the end of the year.  The suggestion was approved with a unanimous raise of hands.

Website & Directory
Maria asked all to contact her if any changes are needed to the website.

Golf (Barb DiLaura)
The Friday group is looking for volunteer concierges for scheduling of the courses/teams.  She thanked those below for volunteering so far:

    • September:  Nina Scerbo
    • October:  Kay Mead
    • November: Kay Mead
    • December: OPEN

Prayer Chain (Terry Latowska)
Maria  advised that Terry has stepped down as the Prayer Chain Coordinator and that Joanne Phinney has graciously volunteered to coordinate. 

Sunshine (Helen Miles for South and Cathy Smith for West)
Helen Miles for South and Cathy Smith for West - send get well cards or condolences
Maria Guerrera - New Neighbors
Please contact us to give us this information as needed.

Coffee & Refreshments
Becky Montgomery reminded the members that the sign up for the next meeting is on the back table.

The September newsletter has been distributed and posted online.

New Business

Maria led the membership in singing Happy Birthday to:

Joanne Hegarty, MaryLou Thelen, Geri Calais, Phillis Davis, Peggy Drummond, and Peggy Benjamin.

Unfinished Business

Survey Findings:  The results of the survey that were distributed to membership were briefly recapped.  Given the large majority of affirmative respondents for keeping the club open, a vote on the continuation of the club is not necessary. 


50/50 Drawing – $70 was collected with $35 to the club and $35 to Kay Mead.

Next Club Meeting:  October 8th, 9:30 AM, Hacienda Rec Center, Ricardo Montelban Room

There being no further business to come before the membership, it was moved by Joanne Phinney and seconded by Stephanie Littlefield to adjourn.   The meeting adjourned at 10:25 am.

 Respectfully submitted by:
Sandra Schupp, Secretary

Following the meeting, a white elephant drawing continued with donated items from the Board Members with the 50/50 tickets.  Luncheon provided by the Club.