December 2024
Hacienda South West Women’s Club Newsletter
This newsletter is being circulated to both member and non-member ladies living in our neighborhood. Please share this newsletter with any who are new or do not use a computer.
President's WELCOME
Season’s Greetings: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We wish you all the best for the holiday season wherever you spend it, at home, with family or with friends.
As the outgoing President, this will be my last newsletter. I wish the new Board the best in leading a wonderful group of women. I am sure they will make the meetings fun to attend and offer a number of fun activities.
Among the many benefits of membership in the Club, the ability to interact with many women in the neighborhood at least monthly is invaluable. For the $10 dues, membership provides fun activities and often subsidized events. In the past year, the Board provided free luncheons twice, paid for guest speakers, provided materials used in after meeting activities, paid for “winnings” as prizes during fun activities, paid for entertainers for the tree lighting, and subsidized the women’s Christmas luncheon. The Club also donates to charitable organizations and organizes a Thanksgiving food drive for a local food bank.
The Club is a worthwhile organization and we hope to see your continued participation in the Club sponsored activities.
Next Meeting Information
Our next meeting is Tuesday, January 14th at 9:30 am, at La Hacienda Rec Center (Ricardo Montalban Room). Make sure to reach out to any new Ladies in our neighborhood and bring them along with you! We will be installing the newly elected Board and provide a free lunch as a celebration.
12/8/24: Annual Holiday Tree Lighting –
Everyone who attended enjoyed good music and a wonderful time celebrating with neighbors and friends. Our thanks go to Sandy and Bill Schupp, Doug and Betty Lewis, Helen and Jack Miles, Steve and Linda Scamardi, and Steve Montgomery. They did a wonderful job helping decorate the cul-de-sac and set up for the event.
12/10/24 Annual Ladies Holiday Luncheon,
At Glenview Country Club. Always an anticipated event that is well attended. The 43 women who attended had a great time chatting with neighbors and friends and had a good lunch. Thank you Barbara DiLaura for managing the event.
Upcoming Events:
01/19/25 Holiday Dinner Dance
5:00 PM to Open to all residents of Hacienda South & West
9:00 PM Chula Vista Recreation Center,
Osceola Room, 1011 Rio Grande Ave
Music provided by Loretta Easton
Cost: $20:00 per person
Reserve online: HERE
Or Email Barb DiLaura: or call/text 954-263-8080
The annual membership $10 dues for our 2025 season are being collected now. New members are free for the remainder of the year with 2025 dues being collected now. Please reach out to any new neighbors and offer to bring them to our next meeting. It is a very good way to welcome them into the neighborhood and increase our membership for fun and companionship! Please contact our new Membership Chair for 2025, Maria Guerrera, with any questions.
Robyn Giles is the Charity Chair. For future donations, if you know of a local charity that we should consider, please contact Robyn Giles (678-576-0078,
Directory & Website:
Please notify Maria Guerrera (703-623-1379, about any directory changes (email address, phone number, etc.). We can also update your photo any time you wish. The web page is a great reference to put a face with a name.
Prayer Chain:
Joanne Phinney is available (352-750-9193, when you find that prayers are needed for you, your family, or friends.
If anyone is unwell or if any new neighbors have moved in, please let us know.
WEST: Cathy Smith (352-750-3524,
SOUTH: Helen Miles (440-666-1473, Also, let Maria Guerrera (703-623-1379, know if any new neighbors have moved in.
Name Tags:
Please wear your name tags to our meetings and activities. To order a magnetic name tag, please contact Barb DiLaura at (954-263-8080, ($7.49 in advance). Paper name tags are always available at meetings.
Upcoming meeting events:
Jan: Installation luncheon
December Birthdays:
We want to extend our sincerest best wishes to the following members who celebrate a birthday in December: Patti Beal (02), Kelly Miller (02), Lynn Paynter (02), Shirley Sontag (07), Nola Bishop (10), Shari Testa (13), Barb Fasulo (15), Mary Jupin-Nelson (16), Wanda Kirchner (21). Please wish them a Happy Birthday when you see them! If we missed someone, please let us know.
Happy Holidays,
Maria Guerrera
HSWWC President