June 2024
Hacienda South-West Women’s Club Newsletter
website: hswwclub.com
This newsletter is being circulated to both member and non-member ladies living in our neighborhood. Please share this newsletter with any who are new or do not use a computer.
Next Meeting Information
Our next meeting is Tuesday, June 11th at 9:30 am, at La Hacienda Rec Center (Ricardo Montalban Room). Make sure to reach out to any new Ladies in our neighborhood and bring them along with you! We will have a pinch pottery demonstration at the end of the meeting. See more under meeting events.
President's WELCOME
As announced in the April and May Newsletters and discussed at the last meeting, the Board will hold a vote in the Fall to determine whether or not there is enough interest and manpower resources (i.e. willing volunteers to serve on the Board, serve on Committees, and help to design and organize activities for the Club). Before that we will survey the members (in good standing) through e-mail and mail to determine interest in continuing the Club. A copy of the survey will be presented at the June meeting. The survey will be confidential and shared only with the Board. A summary will be provided to the membership at the September meeting.
We hope there is enough interest in continuing the Club.
Upcoming Events:
June: 6/25/24 -- Ski Beach on Lake Harris and luncheon.
Ski Beach Bar and Grill, 21 Dozier Cir, Leesburg, FL 34748, Tuesday, June 25,2024, Leave Hacienda at 11:00 AM, carpool with friends. Someplace Special. Great location overlooking Harris Lake and Venetian Gardens in Leesburg. 30 Minutes drive from the Villages, Lunch, and explore on your own the Venetian Gardens or Hickory Point Recreation Park, Lake Griffin State Park. Sign up, so we can assess who is interested.
July: 7/21/24 First Responders Games & Potluck, sign-ups at the meeting
August: 8/25/24 Annual Potluck Dinner, Chula Vista Rec Center
September: TBD Tour & luncheon of Cassadaga Camp
October: 10/15/24 Shopping trip
TBD Charter School Luncheon
November: 11/10/24 Annual BBQ Dinner
December: 12/8/24 Annual Tree Lighting – Presa Place
12/10/24 Annual Ladies Holiday Luncheon
Club members meet every Friday year round for a fun morning of golf and breakfast. It’s a non-competitive group with both experienced and beginners. If interested please contact Barb DiLaura, at 954-263-8080, bdilaura@bellshouth.net . The group needs people to volunteer to provide concierge services. For the months that are open and have no concierge, golf is canceled. The following is the schedule of members providing concierge services:
- June – Cathy Taylor
- July – Barb DiLaura
- August – Open
- September – Open
- October – Kay Mead
- November – Kay Mead
- December – Open
The $10 dues for our 2024 season are due now. Deadline was March 31st to remain on the roster. Please reach out to any new neighbors and offer to bring them to our next meeting. It is a very good way to welcome them into the neighborhood and increase our membership for fun and companionship! Please contact our Membership Chair, Barb Hatch (352-978-1470, baj43@comcast.net) with any questions.
Robyn Giles is the Charity Chair. The Villages Honor Flight was voted for our second quarter donation. For future donations, if you know of a local charity that we should consider, please contact Robyn Giles (678-576-0078, robyn_sunshine@yahoo.com).
Directory & Website:
Please notify Maria Guerrera (703-623-1379, mguerrera93@gmail.com) about any directory changes (email address, phone number, etc.). We can also update your photo any time you wish. The web page is a great reference to put a face with a name.
Prayer Chain:
Terry Lastowka is available (352-255-1155, tlastowka1069@gmail.com) when you find that prayers are needed for you, your family, or friends.
If anyone is unwell or if any new neighbors have moved in, please let us know.
WEST: Cathy Smith (352-750-3524, wks1013@aol.com)
SOUTH: Helen Miles (440-666-1473, miles.helen7@gmail.com.) Also, let Maria Guerrera (703-623-1379, mguerrera93@gmail.com) know if any new neighbors have moved in.
Name Tags:
Please wear your name tags to our meetings and activities. To order a magnetic name tag, please contact Barb DiLaura at (954-263-8080, bdilaura@bellshouth.net) ($7.49 in advance). Paper name tags are always available at meetings.
Upcoming meeting events:
June: Pinch pottery demonstration Ceramics/Pottery with Dore V Dumas from the Enrichment Academy
Sept: PotLuck luncheon
Oct: Halloween themed event
Nov: Cupcake decorating – fun holiday themed decorating - Nina Scerbo, Hacienda South
One of our members is a Jigsaw puzzle aficionado and would like to do a Jigsaw puzzle exchange at our meeting. If you have any puzzles that you would like to swap for another, please bring them and we will have a table set-up whereby you swap your puzzles.
Maria Guerrera
HSWWC President